Visitors 190
299 photos

Urban or rural, agriculture, architecture, people, places, abstract and traditional all have a place here. Images have been arranged in galleries of related topics where practical and while a large number of the images reflect scenes captured in or around my hometown of Lafayette, Indiana, you may also see images of New York, Chicago, Washington, Indianapolis or any number of scenes from the American Southwest. I hope you find something you like and that you will let me know how you like the site. New images and galleries are being added regularly so please come back often. Be sure to scroll down to see the other galleries.

Contact Info

Address1311 Columbia Street
Lafayette, IN 47901
United States
Daytime phone765-423-2392
Mobile phone765-337-5307
send message
I had to remove the guestbook due to spam but I'd be happy to have an email from you. I post a lot of random images on my Facebook page.
Stop by and say hello.
You can also find me at

Recently Added

Lighthouses and Windmills

Visitors 14
26 photos
Created 5-Oct-24
Modified 5-Oct-24
Lighthouses and Windmills

Hometown Heroes

Visitors 11
29 photos
Created 5-Oct-24
Modified 5-Oct-24
Hometown Heroes

Flowers & Nature

Visitors 15
31 photos
Created 2-Oct-24
Modified 2-Oct-24
Flowers & Nature

Lafayette - My Hometown

Visitors 82
75 photos
Created 19-Dec-23
Modified 19-Dec-23
Lafayette - My Hometown


Visitors 42
57 photos
Created 19-Dec-23
Modified 19-Dec-23


Visitors 33
81 photos
Created 7-Aug-23
Modified 7-Aug-23

All Photographs

Lafayette - My Hometown

Visitors 82
75 photos
Created 19-Dec-23
Modified 19-Dec-23
Lafayette - My Hometown


Visitors 33
81 photos
Created 7-Aug-23
Modified 7-Aug-23

Hometown Heroes

Visitors 11
29 photos
Created 5-Oct-24
Modified 5-Oct-24
Hometown Heroes


Visitors 42
57 photos
Created 19-Dec-23
Modified 19-Dec-23

Lighthouses and Windmills

Visitors 14
26 photos
Created 5-Oct-24
Modified 5-Oct-24
Lighthouses and Windmills

Flowers & Nature

Visitors 15
31 photos
Created 2-Oct-24
Modified 2-Oct-24
Flowers & Nature
Open All Photographs